Organic Director. Joined Impression in July 2015.
I am the Organic Director at Impression, overseeing our SEO, Digital PR and CRO departments. As an experienced organic marketer, I have worked with hundreds of online businesses, helping them to improve their organic performance through strategies rooted in data, content marketing, technical SEO and user experience. These have included a mix of growing brands to larger, more established businesses nationally and internationally. I work closely with my team of Heads of Departments to continually improve Impression’s organic product offering, ensuring this continues to foster long-lasting and prosperous relationships with our clients. I also work within Impression’s leadership and management teams, helping the agency scale while maintaining an industry-leading position in the market.
Something that I’m proud of:
Our organic teams because honestly, they kick so much ass. Right now, they’re the best they ever have been, and I’m so proud of what we’ve all collectively achieved. The exciting part is we’re not even close to being done. There are still lots of exciting developments around the corner to strengthen our services further.
Outside of work:
I love listening to music, playing my guitar and writing and learning new songs. I also enjoy hogging the TV to play my PS4, much to my fiance’s dismay. I’m a big fan of the cinema too, and I’m looking forward to getting in there again now lockdown restrictions are easing.