AMP, says Dawn, is an essential update to the way we build websites. She says we need solutions to serve the needs of more and more mobile users, and we need fast connections.
The good news is that, if you do speed up your site, there will be lots of benefits.
Implementing AMP
There are plugins to help us implement AMP. However, Dawn pointed out that the downloads of the WordPress plugin have really dropped off, due to a lack of support for the plugin.
Dawn ran a survey on her own Twitter feed, and found of 163 respondents, most found implementing AMP difficult or moderately difficult.
AMP successes
Ebay are seeing early challenges of AMP disappear. They are investing a lot in AMP and seeing really good results.
Wego too have seen increases in conversions and traffic. As has The Guardian; Dawn says look at the source code for The Guardian and they are ‘all over AMP’.
The benefits, Dawn says, are there for those willing to invest.
AMP: for big businesses?
All the success stories so far, says Dawn, have been about big businesses. So smaller businesses don’t feel it’s relevant to them.
She says we’re seeing a decline in the interest in AMP, as shown by viewer figures of #AMPConf.
But there are some cool things coming in, which all businesses, says Dawn, should be taking advantage of.