We’re really pleased to be attending the University of Nottingham’s Science and Technology Fair today.
As an agency, we’ve employed a number of graduates into our team, which has grown to more than 30 members within 3 years. We recognise that graduates play a huge part of the continued success of Impression, bringing great new ideas and a fresh perspective to our campaigns. Our in-house training programme, coupled with our investment in external training and conferences, means each one of the graduates who joins us embarks on a journey of learning and growth, hopefully leading to a long and prosperous career in the digital marketing industry.
Our stand will be manned by Chloe Fair, a graduate herself, and by our two founders Tom Craig and Aaron Dicks. They’ll be available to speak to you about career opportunities at Impression and to answer any questions you have about embarking on a career in the digital sector.
Tom will also be presenting his advice for covering letters in a workshop session running from 13:30 to 14:00.
Find out more about the event here: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/careers/students/events/recruitmentcareersfairs/science-and-technology-fair.aspx
If you’d like to find out more about careers at Impression, take a look at our current vacancies. We’re always open to hearing from good people, so even if the job you’d like isn’t listed, feel free to get in touch anyway.