We’re proud to announce that Impression supported Nottingham Girls’ High School in the BIMA Digital Day in 2019, with the girls to be awarded winning place across the whole UK!
Digital Day is an initiative driven by BIMA, the UK’s largest digital and tech community, to introduce young people across the country to the limitless career potential in digital and technology. This day was carried out across the UK in November 2019, where 7,000+ students in 190 schools were paid with digital professionals to tackle one of three inspiring challenges set by their sponsors for the day. Interestingly, Impression was also paired up with Nottingham Girls’ High School back in 2017, so the opportunity to head back was amazing.
The sponsors for 2019 were EPAM, Micro:bit Educational Foundation and Wimbledon. The group of girls chosen to be put forward to the BIMA judging panel covered multiple aspects from an online and offline marketing perspective in response to the Wimbledon brief. The brief was outlined –
How can the world’s greatest tennis tournament encourage more young people to get active? That was the question posed by Wimbledon and the winners responded with an entry which “answered the brief perfectly” with a “very well-rounded idea and presentation.”
Milly Morris and I attended the school on the day to help announce the tasks, discuss the vast opportunities in digital and were available to assist in any questions answered by the students. From business development and search engine optimisation background, both members of the Impression team were able to provide the girls with a holistic view what it’s like to work in digital and how different types of technologies can be used for marketing purposes.
“We know the shortage of tech and digital talent is costing the UK billions of pounds every year. That’s why Digital Day matters so much, because the more young people we can inspire now, the more their talent will benefit us in the future.”
Speaking about Digital Day, BIMA co-president Natalie Gross
The winning girl’s team, consisting of; Eva, Tara, Lauren, India, Emily will be receiving a workshop with Wimbledon, whilst Nottingham Girls’ High School will also receive a £500 cash prize.
We feel particularly privileged to have been able to work alongside young women aspiring to lead the digital industry. Their sheer attention to detail through each aspect of the task, going above and beyond the brief as well as working collaboratively is truly commendable. We actively look forward to seeing how their creativity and enthusiasm may shape the future of the sector.
It’s incredible to see a progressive educational institution that provides the opportunity for girls of all ages to get involved with computer science and digital disciplines that prepares their student for their future careers.
“We are very keen to promote the use and understanding of technology within the school so that we can be sure of preparing our pupils for the world in which they will be working. Entering competitions such as this is an essential part of that preparation and winning the BIMA Digital Day shows just how important our philosophy is. To have a team of young women be responsible for the design of a Wimbledon app that will be used by thousands of people is an incredible opportunity and we are very proud of them.”
Frances Sparrow, Head of Computer Science, Nottingham Girls’ High School
At Impression, we always look for opportunities to work with local schools in Nottinghamshire and surrounding areas and show young people the opportunities within the digital sector. BIMA’s Digital Day allows us to do that. Their initiative each year is incredibly inspiring and we’re excited to continue our relationship with them.
If you’re a school who believes they could benefit working with Impression, or would like to explore more around careers in digital feel free to get in touch with the team. Discover more around Impression’s active CSR commitment today.