We set out to establish PaulCamper as a competitor to other similar businesses in the UK. To achieve this, we delivered several campaigns to position our client as an expert in their field and we built high-quality links from national UK and regional publications. We optimised all campaign copy to link to key, target pages, as agreed with PaulCamper.
In one reactive PR example, we focused on educating campers that were planning to go on a staycation that summer on the different rules and laws related to camping across the UK. The advice and insights ensured that campers were set up to have the best (and safest) experience. Outreached during the summer months, its topical nature made the campaign incredibly newsworthy and this activity alone achieved 40 pieces of coverage including placements in the Sun, The Express and the Reach PLC network.
In one data campaign example called The UK’s Spookiest Places we analysed over 13,000 entries on the paranormal database to find the most haunted locations in the UK, by doing this we were able to target national and regional locations, including providing journalists at regional publications specific examples of hauntings in their location.