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And So To Bed

A/B testing increases revenue by 39% for luxury retailer

And So To Bed is a leading luxury retailer of bedroom furniture in the UK. They sell a range of luxury beds, mattresses and designer bedroom furniture from world-leading brands.

The Challenge

And So To Bed have brick and mortar stores all over the UK, but the digital side of the business is vital to their user experience, brand perception and revenue.

Through working with And So To Bed over the past 2 years, we identified that most, it not all, users have at least 1 touch point online, regardless if they buy online or in a physical store. Due to the value of their luxury products, potential customers spend a long time in the consideration stage – a stage which would typically have multiple touch points across digital and physical channels.

Our objective was to understand their unique user base and to explore ways to motivate users, build trust and make the website as easy and usable as possible to increase the chances of users converting online. Our initial target was to increase purchases conversion rate by 5-10% through on-site optimisations.

The Strategy

We gathered behavioural insights, website and digital campaign performance metrics and, based on this data, we put together 3 proposed changes to key pages on the website. 

We utilised a/b testing to compare the performance of new vs existing pages. These 3 changes focused primarily on 3 main psychological levers: usability, motivation and trust.


Usability test

Data: We identified that users were having difficulty locating products 'on one of the main and top-visited category pages of the website. Despite utilising a mega-menu function, where different product types can be selected, users were not sure what the names of each product type meant. This led to users visiting product pages to look at different product pages.

Hypothesis: We devised a theory that if we made the experience straightforward for users by allowing them to quickly see images of each product category, it would encourage more users to find what they are looking for easily and quickly, eventually resulting in users making a faster conversion.

Result: A 30% increase in conversion rate which resulted in £6k in extra revenue during the testing period


Motivation test

Data: During the research phase of this test we found that a large proportion of users drop off after landing on a product page and viewing a specific product.

Hypothesis: Despite a more considered approach to purchasing luxury goods, we believed that reiterating product & brand USPs on product pages could increase the website’s conversion rate.

Result: A 47%+ increase in conversions, resulting in a £15.6k revenue uplift during the test period.


Trust test

Data: The Digital PR team achieved great coverage in popular and highly sought-after publications. From visual intelligence and attention data, we know that the top 20% of the homepage is where most users pay attention and engage.

Hypothesis: To leverage social proof, we leant on the coverage achieved from the efforts of our digital PR team, highlighting the publications in which ASTB feature in this section of the homepage. We theorised that this would position And So To Bed as a credible and trustworthy brand, driving conversions.

Result: A 44.68% uplift in conversions and more than £7k in extra revenue while the test was live.

The Results


Average conversion rate uplift


Test win rate


In additional revenue whilst the tests were running

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