Meet the Team
Ellie Wright
Digital PR Strategist. Joined Impression in March 2021.
Prior to working at Impression, I studied English at the University of Nottingham and graduated mid-pandemic. I love a juicy story and even wrote my dissertation on the Tabloid press. In my final year, I ran my own magazine for women and have written for a real mix of publications (online and print). After interning at a few different marketing agencies, I was introduced to SEO and content marketing, and from there, stepped foot into the world of Digital PR.
At Impression, no day is the same… and that’s what makes Digital PR so much fun! I always browse the news and look out for any reactive opportunities. I’ll often spend time building media lists, writing press releases or features, and outreaching to journalists.
Something that I’m proud of:
I’m really proud that I drag myself out of bed every Saturday morning to do a 5km Park Run. I think I’m proud of that, anyway.
Outside of work:
I love to explore! Be that the best place to eat pancakes in London, belting it round Notts on an e-scooter, or discovering my new favourite walk in the Peaks. My idea of heaven, though, is sitting in Pepper Rocks and sipping on a Mango Breeze (or two, or three).
Ellie Wright has specialist knowledge in Digital PR.